Oz in the News 1.22.12

Wicked Wizard of Oz Wedding Cake  This wicked Wizard of Oz wedding cake featured on Bridal Snob would please brides and die-hard fans alike.  Each tier represents a different character in the classic movie with a yellow brick road leading to Oz.  I don’t think Dorothy would mind eating this gorgeous wedding cake when she returned home.


New arcade game uses ‘Wizard of Oz’ theme to gobble up players’ coins  The Wizard of Oz game uses silver tokens instead of coins, and most that fall into the hopper are recirculated in the game. At regular intervals, a dispenser in the center of the machine drops colored discs and trading cards of characters from the movie onto the trays. When these items are pushed into the hopper, the player gets to trade them in for points. At Playcade, green discs are worth 50 points, red discs 150 points and trading cards 400 points. Collect all seven character cards for a 25,000-point bonus.

Hollywood costumes showcased in V&A blockbuster exhibition While searching for Dorothy’s gingham pinafore dress from The Wizard Of Oz, assistant curator Keith Lodwick received a phone call from an anonymous collector requesting a meeting outside Temple underground station. From there, Lodwick and Nadoolman Landis were taken to a bank vault in Fleet Street, where a large box was produced. Under layers of tissue paper lay the gingham pinafore. “I put my gloves on, and turned it inside out to check if it was the real thing, and it was. That was a holy grail moment, for all of us.”

Crawford’s ‘Wizard Of Oz’ Birthday  Veteran British actor Michael Crawford celebrated his 70th birthday in style on Thursday (19Jan12) as his the Wizard of Oz co-stars threw a party to mark the milestone. The cast and crew didn’t let the occasion pass without recognition – they threw him a surprise party and presented the star with a hugecake, in the style of the yellow brick road. He was also treated to a rendition of Happy Birthday by the cast and the audience, which included pop star Gary Barlow, whose daughter Emily plays a Munchkin in the production.

The Gregory Maguire Interview  As children have matured–which is to say turned into creatures from another century than the century in which I was born–I recognize them as fellow human beings less and less often. The technology of the world in which they are born!–it boggles the mind. All parents want books to do several contradictory things: both to console and to challenge, to hearken back and to lean forward. I think the books are expected to do the same things as when I started reading and then writing children’s books: it is just that as a child and as a young writer I could lean forward with much clearer vision than I can now. I hardly know where I am in 2012, cybernetically speaking; how can I pretend to children at the age of 10 to present to them a vision of the world in which they live? I don’t even know how to change the font on this paragraph.

Sophie Evans takes over from Danielle Hope in Wizard of Oz from 7 Feb  Evans, who has been appearing as the alternative Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz at the London Palladium on Tuesday evenings and covering Hope’s holidays, will fill the ruby slippers full-time from 7 February. Danielle Hope plays her final show on 5 February 2012.

Local couple’s daughter debuts on Broadway  During her career, Oakley has played the lead roles in Evita and The The Little Mermaid. After graduating from Michigan last year, she headed straight for the Big Apple. She was soon picked up by a casting agent, which led to her “universal swing” role in the Broadway production of Wicked, a prequel to the Wizard of Oz. Being a “universal swing” means Oakley fills in for other actors both on the national tour and in New York. She has learned 16 different parts in the play — the roles of every female character in the cast.

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