Oz in the News 6.6.24

Top Secret Sphere Film Project in the Works: “Wizard of Oz”

We trust there will be a twist, and the original film will serve as a springboard for the wizards at the Sphere to do what they do. Blow minds. That’s in the job description. The way we’ve heard it described is a “new” take on the original film, but is not intended to “compete” with it. As if anything could, really. That’s some big red shoes to fill.

While “The Wizard of Oz” was released nearly a century ago (no really, it was 1939), there are legions of fans of this film, and it would be awesome if Sphere figured out a way to make the movie relevant to new generations of fans.

The Sphere is perhaps the only venue on Earth that could create that sense of wonder again. Dorothy’s first step into Oz was an epic collision of technology and creativity. Let’s have some of that, shan’t we? 

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